Just a few announcements:
FIRST General meeting: THURSDAY, September 25. 12:30 in Room 102. We will be supplying lunch so please come and find out more about this group & how to get involved.
Friday, October 3rd: OKTOBERFEST. Golden Gate Park.
4:00pm - whenever you want.
Come meet the board in a more casual setting and seek some international law advice.
We will have refreshments and of course, beer.
Tickets Pre-sale: Sept. 29-Oct. 3.
$5 pre-sale, $10 at the park.
Thursday, October 9th: Bar Night co-sponsored with PILF
Bar: TBA
We will also be having a Career Panel with speakers who work in various aspects of international law come and speak to us about their experiences. Please check back in later for the exact date and details and also keep an eye out for announcements around school.
Hope to see you all soon!